Welcome to Robo4J!
Robo4J is a framework for quickly
getting started building and running robots and IoT devices.
Robo4J is a set of Java libraries, allowing you to use your favourite tools and languages to quickly develop the required software.
Robo4J is a set of Java libraries, allowing you to use your favourite tools and languages to quickly develop the required software.
· Build robots and IoT systems quickly with very
little experience of hardware
· Quickly wire together different hardware units
· Spend more time on the fun stuff, like programming
robot behavior, and less time on learning every single detail of your
underlying hardware and writing code to put it all together
· Robo4J currently supports the Raspberry Pi and
Lego EVO3 platforms
Having your Java applications interact with the physical
reality is quite fun! :)
Video 1. : Coff-E in action
If you are interested in learning more, you can sign up for
the upcoming eBook here:
Until the book is ready, you can start with the following two blogs: