Robo4j framework has received new major update of the core logic and architecture. The small first taste has been already mention in previous blog post as simple sketch. The sketch has pictured the relation between RoboUnits and RobotAgents. In simplified written words the RoboUnit contains the number of agents. Those agents are interacting between each other and providing the result of the RoboUnit according to its assignment.
Let's focused little bit on RoboAgents. RoboAgents behaviour can be simplified as the relation between Producers and Consumers.
The Producers are basically providing result of the external inputs to the Consumers. External Producers inputs can be defined by Sensors or the result of the external computation/process.
On the other-hand Consumers are applying desired logic on such inputs. Consumers are allowed to use bounded resources, which are provided to the RoboUnit.
Current Robo4j framework release contains 1st simple example of RoboUnit implementation by implementing Robo Front-Hand. The front-hand unit is located in the front part of the robot and it's able to carry small things.
The Robo Front-hand consists from one engine and one touch sensor. This is enough to employ Producer Consumer scenario where the sensors provides appropriate data to the consumer which is represented by the engine.
@RoboUnit(value = FrontHandUnit.UNIT_NAME,
system = FrontHandUnit.SYSTEM_NAME,
producer= FrontHandUnit.PRODUCER_NAME,
consumer= FrontHandUnit.CONSUMER_NAME)
public class FrontHandUnit extends DefaultUnit implements LegoUnit {
/* all connected pars */
private static final int CONNECTED_ELEMENTS = 2;
private static final int DEFAULT_SPEED = 300;
private static final int AGENT_POSITION = 0;
static final String UNIT_NAME = "frontHandUnit";
static final String SYSTEM_NAME = "legoBrick1";
static final String PRODUCER_NAME = "frontHandSensor";
static final String CONSUMER_NAME = "frontHand";
public LegoUnit init(...
new FrontHandTouchProducer(exchanger, sensorCache.entrySet()
.filter(sensorEntry -> sensorEntry.getValue()
.map(legoSensor ->
.reduce(null, (e1, e2) > e2)),
new FrontHandEngineConsumer(exchanger, engineCache.entrySet()
.filter(entry -> entry.getValue()
.map(legoEngine ->
legoEngine.getPort(), DEFAULT_SPEED))
.reduce(null, (e1, e2) > e2))));
@SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
public boolean process(RoboUnitCommand command){
return false;
ProcessAgent processAgent = (ProcessAgent) agents.get(AGENT_POSITION);
return processAgent.process(command, (cm) -> {
final FrontHandCommandEnum commandEnum = (FrontHandCommandEnum)cm;
return logic.get(commandEnum).apply(processAgent);
@SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
protected Map<RoboUnitCommand, Function<ProcessAgent, AgentStatus > > initLogic(){
final Map<RoboUnitCommand, Function<ProcessAgent, AgentStatus > > result = new HashMap< >();
result.put(FrontHandCommandEnum.COMMAND, (ProcessAgent agent) -> {
agent.getExecutor().execute((Runnable) agent.getProducer());
final Future<Boolean> engineActive =
.submit((Callable<Boolean>) agent.getConsumer());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException | ConcurrentModificationException
| ExecutionException e) {
throw new
return new AgentStatus<String>(AgentStatusEnum.ACTIVE);
result.put(FrontHandCommandEnum.EXIT, (ProcessAgent agent) -> {
FrontHandEngineConsumer consumer = (FrontHandEngineConsumer)
FrontHandTouchProducer producer = (FrontHandTouchProducer)
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new FrontHandException("RUN ERROR PROCESS: ", e);
return new AgentStatus<String>(AgentStatusEnum.OFFLINE);
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result);
Following code has shown that RoboUnit consist from two agents one Producer and one Consumer. Producer is represented by TouchSensor and Consumer by Engine. The RoboUnit does accept two commands from outside as the input -> COMMAND and EXIT.
The following RoboUnit implementation allows Robo4j-Brick-Client to accept following POST request
"commands" : [
{"name" : "hand",
"target" : "hand_unit",
"value" : "command"}
And this is not all we can add additional properties to the command as following example
"commands" : [
{"name" : "hand",
"target" : "hand_unit",
"value" : "command"},
{"name" : "move",
"target" : "platform",
"value" : "20",
"speed" : "400"
...but more in the upcoming posts...
Stay tuned!!!